CoGIS platform provides various powerful features for organization, analysis and collaboration with geospatial data. The selected platform features are represented in this section.
CoGIS is an infrastructure digital platform that allows you to:
- Organize web access to spatial data and geoprocessing functions through map services.
- Ensure compatibility with various client applications and information systems via REST API and adapters for the most popular web mapping protocols TMS, WMS, WFS, WMTS and ArcGIS Server REST API.
- Extent your map rendering capabilities with custom filters, time-enabled layers, as well as widgets for geoprocessing and analysis tools and other platform capabilities.
- Organize access control to maps, services, layers, individual objects and territories for certain users and user groups through the Unified Identification and Authentication System and social networks.
Creating map applications with CoGIS Designer
One of the distinctive features of CoGIS platform is the ability to create thematic web map applications without resorting to classical programming.
Working with CoGIS Designer, the main tool for configuring the platform, does not require any specific technical skills or knowledge of programming languages. The user-friendly interface of CoGIS Designer allows you to customize your geoportal structure, content and functions, adjust access to data in accordance with user rights and set up automatic reactions to such events in the system as data deleting, adding or editing. And all these operations can be performed without involving IT specialists.
Visual analysis tools
CoGIS provides a wide range of tools and features for visual data analysis:
- on-the-fly generation of heat maps
- server-side clustering in the form of pie charts with links
- creating clusters based on attribute (e.g., by region or district)
- rendering objects by categories, ranges, and rules
- comparison of selected layers and basemaps using Swipe tool
- spatial and attribute filters
- symbols in the form of diagrams
- automatic layer refresh to display dynamic data
- slider for filtering objects by dates
- dynamic layer views based on SQL queries
- symbols in the form of polygon centroids
- custom coloring of layers
Smart editing
CoGIS contains a large set of tools for creating and editing spatial objects via web browser and mobile application.
The widgets with results of statistical calculations for objects displayed as graphs, diagrams, tables or calculated indicators can be added to your maps.
For example, the JavaScript plugin-based widgets can call an external tool or service, and widgets with HTML code are used to display reference information about objects. All widget blocks are associated with objects on the map, participate in filtering, are updated when editing, by map extent or by timer. In this way, you can significantly extend your maps functionality, including using CoGIS API.
The reports generation system in CoGIS allows you to create complex reports based on templates in DOCX and XLSX formats. The reports are generated for objects and/or lists of objects from one or more object classes.
You can add the object characteristics, statistics calculation results, insert images and map fragments, spatial analysis results, as well as information related to location (coordinates, address) or object geometry (area, perimeter, etc.) to reports.
Geoprocessing models
A geoprocessing model is a visual representation of a workflow where several geoprocessing tools are run sequentially, with the output of one tool becoming the input for another. The geoprocessing models can crucially simplify or automate performance of various tasks, whereas the process of model creation is simple and available to any user without specific skills.
Depending on the task, more than 100 ready-made CoGIS geoprocessing tools or your own tools can be used for creating models.
CoGIS geoportal provides a layout for mobile devices which allows you to use CoGIS functions directly from the browser of the mobile device. For ease of use on mobile devices, a mobile application CoGIS Mobile has been developed.
CoGIS Mobile is the application for fully featured work with published maps, navigation and data collection regardless of the Internet connection. The app is available for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store, respectively.
CoGIS Mobile allows you to:
- Use online and offline maps to search and identify objects in the field
- Create and edit objects being in offline mode and automatically send all made changes to the geodatabase on the server upon connection to Internet
- Record GPS tracks, monitor location of your field crew on the map.
GIS server in CoGIS supports spatial data stored in PostgreSQL (PostGIS), Postgres Pro (PostGIS), Platfom V Pangolin SE and Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, as well as files of different vector and raster formats.
All the above mentioned formats support data import and export operations, many of these formats, being published as map services, are used for direct reading and display on the map.
Data transformation is also available in geoprocessing tools, which can be used in geoprocessing models, published as geoprocessing services and used in web map applications.
Supported vector data formats are Shapefile, GeoPackage (vector data), KML, GPX, GeoJSON, SXF* (Panorama), DWG and DXF (AutoCAD), TAB and MIF/MID (MapInfo), File Geodatabase (ArcGIS), CSV, ArcGIS XML, etc.
Supported raster data formats are GeoTIFF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GeoPackage (raster data), MrSID (Extensis/LizardTech), etc.
TrueDrive is a module for CoGIS provided to use the network analysis tools on a road graph.
The network analysis algorithms available in TrueDrive are provided to optimize specific road network characteristics, for example finding the shortest route and calculating transport accessibility zones. The optimization can be performed by distance, drive time or other parameter (route danger, route spectacularity, etc.).
At that, barriers, illegal turns and appropriate penalties, competitive zones, etc. can be considered during such calculations.
CoGIS offers functionality of direct and reverse geocoding provided to search for locations by address or search for addresses by coordinates. In the CoGIS based web map applications, the address search and geocoding functionality is used to perform the following operations:
- search for addresses on the map
- automatic address substitution when creating object on the map
- creating a point object by the address specified in the characteristics
- automatic determining of objects location on the map by addresses when importing from XLSX or CSV files
- selecting route points and service points when building optimal routes and service areas.
Other platform features
- Work with any coordinate systems considering geographic transformations
- Support for transformations between different geoids of different coordinate systems
- Measurement of distances and areas on the map and by the objects geometry
- Support for third-party basemaps: Google, ArcGIS, Here, OSM, Bing
- Support for various authentication types: login/password, LDAP/Active Directory, OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect, etc.
- Automatic user registration with administrator notification
- Building the shortest routes and service areas
- Multilingual support for geoportal and web applications
- Printing maps using map surrounds templates
- Uploading and downloading XLSX and CSV data with full or partial data update
- Image gallery with callouts and filters
- Dynamic links to the map for sharing, integration, insertion into email templates
- Possibility of embedding the payment process